Tennessee artist Paula Mealka enjoys experimenting with dfferent art elements to create interesting, fun and sometimes functional fused glass work.
Fused glass can be subtle, elegant and often bold in color, shape, texture and design. Her work continuously changes and matures as she discovers new methods and skills. Paula uses many traditional fused glass techniques, but she also loves to make things up as she goes and by doing so, creating something new and wonderful. "Of course, this reckless abandon sometimes leads to disaster," she says. "But more often then not, it adds an interesting touch to my work."
She works with deep in glass (1/2-1 inch), creating pieces with depth and texture. One of the methods Paula incorporates into her work is taking glass to a very high temperature and when it is molten, combing a design through it. She also enjoys weaving glass stringers to construct intricate patterns.
For the artist, fused glass is the perfect medium to rediscover old techniques, create new ones by accident and continue her journey of art and discovery every time she opens the kiln.
Gallery Fifty carries a nice selection of her vases (above) for $95 each. The are approximately 7" tall by 5" round. We also offer her "Therapy" (below) plates for $175 each. They are 12" in diameter. Both designs make excellent gifts!