We can't tell you how excited we are to announce that Amy LeJeune Harper is painting again. We featured her as part of our exhibition series in 2005 and her "abstract aerial landscapes" have been popular with our customers ever since. Check out her older work at: www.lejeuneharper.com.
Over the past year, Amy took a break to have a baby and to focus on graduate school — all the while teaching art at a local junior high!
Anyway, one of the best parts of my job is watching the evolution of an artist and the natural progression of his/her work. Amy's new work exemplefies this. While you can see traces of her old style, you can also clearly see where she's taken it to the next level. Post-baby, her work reveals a more organic, looser style. We love the flowing, almost feminine lines along with her excellent color choices.
The piece above, "New Growth," is her favorite in a series of ten. Each are floating in a 15" x 15" light maple frame. We've priced them at $195 each. Call the Gallery Fifty for more information: 231-932-0775.